The ASMPT SX-Series puts scalability and flexibility at the top of the list. Users are able to introduce new products quickly, change setups without stopping the line and produce any batch size with high utilization and efficiency.
Whether in automotive, automation, medical, telecommunication or IT infrastructure – the ASMPT SX-Series meets all requirements in terms of quality, process reliability and speed.
What would you give to be able to scale your SMT lines according to demand?
ASMPT SX is the first placement solution that is fully scalable with demand thanks to its unique interchangeable gantries. A great way to add capacity when needed or reduce capacity when things slow down. We call it ASMPT Capacity-on-Demand.
The ASMPT SX-Series puts scalability and flexibility at the top of the list. Users are able to introduce new products quickly, change setups without stopping the line and produce any batch size with high utilization and efficiency.
Whether in automotive, automation, medical, telecommunication or IT infrastructure – the ASMPT SX-Series meets all requirements in terms of quality, process reliability and speed.
Interchangeable SX gantries
Capacity-on-Demand is a unicque concept that lets you add or remove placement performance on the fly, or shift capacity between your production lines. -
If you only need more feeder slots without additional placement performance -
ASMPT SpeedStar
The world’s fastest placement head. It handles even 0201 (metric) components with no speed loss -
ASMPT MultiStar
The world’s only placement head that can switch between Collect & Place, Pick & Place and Mixed Mode on demand -
ASMPT setup concepts
Smart, with no or minimal line stops, and faster than the competition. -
ASMPT X-feeders
Intelligent, contactless power supply, highly precise, reliable, low maintenance requirements -
ASMPT software
Because the software plays an increasingly important role in electronics production -
ASMPT vision system
our digital cameras miss nothing – your guarantee for maximum process reliability.
Machine Features SIPLACE SX1 SIPLACE SX2
Number of gantries 1 2
IPC value 29,500 cph 59,000 cph
SIPLACE Benchmark value 37,000 cph 74,000 cph
Theoretical value 43,450 cph 86,900 cph
Machine Size
Size (L X W) 1.5 x 2.4 m 1.5 x 2.4 m
Placement Head Features SpeedStar MultiStar TwinHead
Component Spectrum 0201 (metric) – 6 x 6 mm 01005 – 50 x 40 mm 0201 – 200 x 125 mm
Placement Accuracy ± 41 μm/3σ ± 41 μm/3σ (C&P) ± 22 μm/3σ
± 34 μm/3σ (P&P) ± 0.05°/3σ
Angular Accuracy ± 0.5°/3σ ± 0.2°/3σ(C&P)
± 0.1°/3σ(P&P)
Max. Component Height 4 mm 11.5 mm 40 mm 1
Placement Force 1.3 – 4.5 N 1.0 – 10 N 1.0 – 70 N 1
Conveyor Features
Transport Types SIPLACE SX1/ SX2: Single Conveyor, Flexible Dual Conveyor
Transport Modes Asynchronous, synchronous, I-Placement
PCB Format SIPLACE SX1/ SX2: 50 x 50 mm – max. 850 x 560 mm
PCB Thickness SIPLACE SX1/ SX2: 0.3 – 6.5 mm
PCB Weight max. 3 kg
Component Supply
Feeder Capacity SIPLACE SX1/ SX2: 120 slots with 8 mm X feeders
Performing professional maintenance in the scope and intervals recommended by ASMPT ensures that your ASMPT equipment will deliver the specified performance and accuracy across its entire life cycle. Our various maintenance contracts make this job even easier for you.
1 Maximum component height 40 mm, placement force 70 N, possible with the option ASMPT Very High Force Twin Head

The ASMPT TX placement modules are the new standard in high-volume production. No other placement solution features this level of precision (22 µm at 3 sigma) and speed (up to 78,000 cph) in such a tiny footprint (only 1 m x 2.3 m). For the first time you can place the new generation of smallest components (0201 metric) at full speed like any others. The single- and dual-gantry machines, which are only 1 meter wide (approx. 3.3 feet) are flexibly scalable in the line. And the new and improved generation of the ASMPT SpeedStar placement head delivers high performance and maximum precision at all times. In concert with the ASMPT MultiStar and ASMPT TwinStar heads you can cover a huge spectrum of components. Programmed with the ASMPT Software Suite and equipped with matching feeder options and our dual conveyor, the ASMPT TX placement modules support efficient high-volume production, non-stop setup changeovers and state-of-the-art production concepts. Get in touch with us to find out how quickly the ASMPT TX will pay for itself in your factory.
Maximum placement performance and floorspace productivity
Up to 78,000 cph in only 2.3 square meters (approx. 25 sq.ft.) of floorspace -
Maximum precision
It places 0201(m) components at full speed Placement accuracy:
22 µm @ 3 sigma -
The improved ASMPT SpeedStar
For sustained speed and precision -
ASMPT Multistar
The world’s only placement head that can switch on demand between collect-and-place, pick-and-place and mixed modes. -
ASMPT Software
Having the right software makes the difference in electronics production. -
Standard dual conveyor
For flexible manufacturing concepts (synchronous, asynchronous) -
State-of-the-art feeder options
Examples include the intelligent ASMPT X feeders and the latest sensation in industry, tapeless feeding with the ASMPT BulkFeeder
ASMPT Vision System
One component, one image – the unerring high-resolution control system for maximum process reliability
Machine Features ASMPT TX1 ASMPT TX2 ASMPT TX2i
Number of gantries 1 2 2
IPC value 32,500 cph 65,000 cph 67,000 cph
ASMPT Benchmark value 37,500 cph 75,500 cph 78,000 cph
Theoretical value 50,200 cph 100,500 cph 103,800 cph
Machine size
Length x Width x Height 1.0 x 2.3 x 1.45* m 1.0 x 2.3 x 1.45* m 1.0 x 2.2 x 1.45* m
Placement Head ASMPT SpeedStar ASMPT MultiStar ASMPT TwinStar
Component Spectrum 0201 (metric) – 6 x 6 mm 01005 – 50 x 40 mm 0201 – 55 x 45 mm
Placement Accuracy ± 30μm / 3σ ± 40 μm / 3σ (C&P) ± 22 μm / 3σ
± 25 μm / 3σ with HPF** ± 34 μm / 3σ (P&P)
Angular Accuracy ± 0.5° / 3σ ± 0.4° / 3σ (C&P) ± 0.05° / 3σ
± 0.2° / 3σ (P&P)
Max. Component Height 4 mm 11.5 mm 25 mm
Placement Force 1.3 – 4.5 N 1.0 – 10 N 1.0 – 15 N
Conveyor Features
Transport Types Flexible Dual Conveyor
Transport Modes Asynchronous, Synchronous, I-Placement
PCB Format Flexible Dual Conveyor: 45 x 45 mm – 375 x 260 mm
Dual conveyor in single mode (optional) : 45 x 45 mm – 375 x 460 mm
PCB Thickness 0.3 mm – 4.5 mm
PCB Weight Max. 2.0 kg
Component Supply
Max. Conveyor Slots 80 tracks with 8 mm X-Feeders
Feeder Module Types ASMPT Tape Feeder Modules, ASMPT Linear Dipping Unit,
ASMPT Glue Feeder, ASMPT JTF-ML***
Performing professional maintenance in the scope and intervals recommended by ASMPT ensures that your ASMPT equipment will deliver the specified performance and accuracy across its entire life cycle. Our various maintenance contracts make this job even easier for you.
* For PCB transport height 900 mm
** HPF = High Precision Flag
*** ASMPT Jedec Tray Feeder (JTF-ML) only available with ASMPT TX1 and ASMPT TX2
ASMPT X-Series

Among electronics manufacturers, the ASMPT X-Series is considered the benchmark wherever maximum speed and absolute precision are required (mobile phones, tablets, notebooks, LED placement, etc).
Put its top-of-the-line speed, lowest dpm rates, consistent 0201 (metric) capability, non-stop setup changeovers and fast new product introductions to use for you.
The ASMPT X-Series is available with two, three or four gantries with gantry modularity.
Hard to believe? We look forward to hearing from you – and to a comparison with other manufacturers’ machines. Find out how you can optimize your specific production processes with the ASMPT X-Series, how quickly it will pay for itself, and what other competitive advantages it offers.
Maximum placement performance and floorspace productivity
Up to 78,000 cph in only 2.3 square meters (approx. 25 sq.ft.) of floorspace -
Maximum precision
It places 0201(m) components at full speed Placement accuracy:
22 µm @ 3 sigma -
The improved ASMPT SpeedStar
For sustained speed and precision -
ASMPT Multistar
The world’s only placement head that can switch on demand between collect-and-place, pick-and-place and mixed modes. -
ASMPT Software
Having the right software makes the difference in electronics production. -
Standard dual conveyor
For flexible manufacturing concepts (synchronous, asynchronous) -
State-of-the-art feeder options
Examples include the intelligent ASMPT X feeders and the latest sensation in industry, tapeless feeding with the ASMPT BulkFeeder
ASMPT Vision System
One component, one image – the unerring high-resolution control system for maximum process reliability
Machine Features ASMPT X4i S ASMPT X4 S ASMPT X3 S ASMPT X2 S
Number of gantries 4 4 3 2
Placement performance
IPC value 150,000 cph 105,000 cph 78,100 cph 52,000 cph
ASMPT benchmark 150,000 cph 125,000 cph 94,500 cph 64,000 cph
Theoretical value 200,000 cph 170,500 cph 127,875 cph 85,250 cph
Machine Size
Size (L X W) 1.9 x 2.3 1 1.9 x 2.3 1 1.9 x 2.3 1 1.9 x 2.3 1
Placement Head Features SpeedStar MultiStar TwinStar
Component spectrum 0201 (metric) – 6 x 6 mm 03015 – 50 x 40 mm 0201″ – 200 x 125 mm
Placement accuracy ± 41 μm/3σ ± 41 μm/3σ (C&P) ± 22 μm/3σ
± 34 μm/3σ (P&P)
Angular accuracy ± 0.5°/3σ ± 0.4°/3σ (C&P) ± 0.05°/3σ
± 0.2°/3σ (P&P)
Max. Component Height 4 mm 11,5 mm 25 mm
Placement Force 1.3 – 4.5 N 1.0 – 10 N 1.0 – 15 N 2
Conveyor Features
Transport Types Single Transport, Flexible Dual Transport
Transport Modes Asynchronous, synchronous, i-placement (X4i S)
PCB format 50 x 50 mm to 650 x 560 mm max. (X4 S, X3 S, X2 S) 3
50 x 50 mm to 610 x 560 mm max. (X4i S)
PCB thickness 0.3 to 4.5 mm (other thicknesses upon request)
PCB weight 3 kg max.
Component Supply and Feeding
Feeder positions X3 S & X4 S: 160 tracks with 8 mm X-feeders
X4i S: 148 tracks with 8 mm X-feeders
Component Supply ASMPT component cart, ASMPT Matrix Tray Changer (MTC) 4, Wafflepack Changer (WPC5/WPC6) 4, JTF-S/JTF-M
ASMPT X-feeders
Tray, stick magazine, bulk case, application-specific OEM feeder modules
Quality Ratings
Pickup rate ≥ 99.95% 5
DPM rate ≤ 3 dpm 6
Lighting levels up to 6
Performing professional maintenance in the scope and intervals recommended by ASMPT ensures that your ASMPT equipment will deliver the specified performance and accuracy across its entire life cycle. Our various maintenance contracts make this job even easier for you.
1 Only for main body
2 maximum placement force 30 N possible with the Option ASMPT HighForce Head
3 up tp 850 mm with Input- & Output Conveyor Extensions
4 only for ASMPT X2 S, X3 S and X4 S – not for ASMPT X4i S
5 Cannot be combined within the same placement area
6 According to evaluation criteria