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HJT High Efficiency Solar Cell Manufacturing
Whole-line Solution
The Whole-line Solution for HJT High Efficiency Cell Manufacturing, which completely covers the four processes of HJT cell production( as shown in the figure below), is independently developed by Maxwell. Through the manufacturing process for larger, thinner and half-sized wafers, the Whole-line Solution combines innovative process route, integrated MES intelligent system to further improve the conversion efficiency, yield and production capacity of solar cells, while reducing the production cost.
Process Flow
Silicon-Based Film Deposition
Transparent Conductive Film Deposition
Screen Printing
Advantages of the Whole-line Solution
Equipped with two kinds of pre-clean process:Precln#1(O₃)→ SDE → Precln#2(Hâ‚‚Oâ‚‚)
PECVD Equipment
Fully automatic processes for double-sided coating, continuous coating and RPS self-cleaning, with high production capacity and no need of overhead crane
PVD Equipment
Continuous complete the TCO coating of frontside and backside coating; High production capacity, with 8 process units (PU) improving TCO coating process flexibility, no need of overhead crane, and coating utilization rate up to 80%
Screen Printing
Flat curing and integrated LED light soaking
Minimum wafer contact, environmental control, integrated on-line detection
Strong MES Central
Control System
Continuous complete the TCO coating of frontside and backside coating; High production capacity, with 8 process units (PU) improving TCO coating process flexibility, no need of overhead crane, and coating utilization rate up to 80%
Process 1 Texturing

Process 2 PECVD

HJT Texturing Equipment__HJ-TEX-182/210
PECVD Coating Equipment__Maxwell MV-LH06
Process 3 PVD

Process 4 Screen Printing

HJT PVD Equipment__Maxwell P6
The Complete Line of Screen Printing Equipment for HJT Cell MW-XDL-DP(HJT)
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